Become a Foster

Fostering helps us save more lives

Fostering an animal increases the chance of adoption and keeps our pets happier & healthier while waiting for their forever homes.

We depend on our foster parents to show these animals what a safe home and loving care is like. Our foster volunteers help us prepare young, shy, injured, ill or senior animals to be adopted.

What is required to foster?

Anyone who loves animals and is willing to donate their time — providing lots of tender, loving care — could make a great foster parent. Ideally, this program is best suited for retirees, homemakers, people who work from home or who have flexible work schedules. We provide all approved medical & veterinary care.

Ready to be a foster?

If you are interested in fostering an animal, please submit our Volunteer Application. Be sure to select “Foster” under the Assignment Preference section.

You provide the love, we’ll provide the pets and any supplies needed!

A woman holding a brown dog
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Celebrate World Spay Day with Lake Oconee Humane Society!

Enjoy a spaghetti dinner, dessert and non-alcholic beverages while supporting a great cause! Cash bar available, wine pull & raffles too!