Lake Oconeee Humane Society celebrates

25 years of impact

OUr Mission

LOHS is dedicated to creating a more humane community by reducing pet homelessness and helping pets and their caregivers have the best quality of life available through rescue & adoption, pet food distribution, low-cost spay/neuter, trap-neuter-return (TNR), and limited community medical treatment.

Our Vision

A community where companion animals live in a safe and loving home and the human/animal bond is honored by respect and compassion.

We Stand by our values



Fiscal Responsibility

Compliance to Laws


Our team is passionate about saving lives

Meet the LOHS team

Our strategic plan: 2025-2028

This Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for LOHS’s future. It outlines a focused direction to create an animal services center that addresses the most critical issues of today while preparing for tomorrow. Moving forward, we remain committed to putting ideas into action that will result in a safer and healthier public and the best outcomes for animals.
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